Monday, May 23, 2011

Liberty Smarter Than Nicrosoft

Liberty media is about to buy Barnes & Noble for 1B$ while Microsoft buy skyoe forn 8.5B$. B & N is a good bridge to an online market place and skype does'nt seem like a good fit.

Monday, May 09, 2011

When new media meets old media

I'm in my late 40's so for the television industry I don't exist. But I'm amazed how hard change is for large companies/established industry. Hulu recently made its way to my XBOX and it was kind of sad. First off I'm not what Hulu is aimed at since is advertiser based and seems to have a lot of reality based programming.

Traditional television reminds me of factory farms. You sit at home at a set time and are feed commercials for watching a program. You are the product for the television industry. Recently the farm animals have become annoying. The have decided that will skip the commercial or watch a program when they want. The chickens are in revolt.

Hulu is the industries factory farm for the internet age. Hulu plus is even more of an insult than normal, they place conditions on what you can watch (delays & web only), make you watch commercials and expect you to pay for all the rules. Thanks but no thanks. Netflix has plenty of better programming (my taste) than Hulu, no commercials, no restrictions and the same cost.

What is sad is that television really want young people and they are the people who are not playing by the media company rules. Watching programming on the internet and not in the traditional 30/60 minute format. The twenty something & teens are loosing interest in the traditional model but that who the advertisers want.

The result is that Google will own the advertising market and broadcast TV will become the realm of adult diapers commercials (both actual and figuratively).