Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why the fiscal cliff is coming and there is no stopping the insanity

Why the fiscal cliff is coming and there is no stopping the insanity.

When democracy fails why not be surprised when politicians bend to the will of those holding the money purse rather than what the voters actually want. Democracy has nothing to do with congress there are two primary reasons 1) Congressional redistricting and 2) Voter suppression.

Recently I had a horrible time getting my sons first learners permit, it took three attempts to get him a valid picture id. Why the strange difficulty in getting a valid picture id, the politicians will tell you preventing identity theft (my sons US passport was not good enough). May be but if you are somebody who does not own a home, get electrical bills etc then your a likely to be poor and vote democratic. Making it hard to get a picture ID with the new voter laws means to suppress the vote.

Both partiers do it but the recent congressional redistricting maps if you seem them on a map looks like a 2 year olds scribble. No sane person would draw a map like that but the districts a rigged into concentrate voters on one party and spread the other parties voters out. Simple to create safe seats for a politician so he does not have to worry about the main vote just the primary.

The primary is how the democracy falls apart since only the real passonate conservatives or liberals tend to vote. So by the time the main election comes along the race is already decided. People in congress are not worried about their electorate but the people who vote in the primaries which is where the fiscal cliff comes into play. The people on the sides in the debate would rather go over the fiscal cliff due to dogma than be rational. So don't be surprised if come January 1st we go right over that cliff.

Even if we don't it not because of the will of the people but maybe in just enough congressional districts democracy still works.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Is Javascript the English Language of the computer world

Is Javascript the English Language of the computer world

English is an ugly language, it roots are in multiple countries,people to study languages prefer French. So why is English much more dominate than french (a lot of people in France might disagree.) In the end the answer is probably a mixture of politics, power and flexibility. The United States and Commonwealth two major powers across the world for the last several hundred years use it as their primary language. Its flexible in evolving rather than say French which has its government are trying keep pure. Its a language that you can use across the world since in is the second language for a lot of people. It make for a default communication.

So is Javascript the new English of the computer world. I'd say yes because it works everywhere. It didn't, it still have a hundreds of different variants based upon where it is used and that keeps evolving. But thanks to JQuery it will work across most browsers.

How to fix windows 8 on the desktop.

The big problem for windows 8 is desktops users hate it. We Just try to buy a touch base monitor for your windows 8 desktop and even if you have one it basically clumsy. Microsoft has a simple solution for the windows 8 desktop experience it called Kinect.

If you could implement the interface using the kinect style web cam that tracks you finger movement. If you could simply raise your finger (not your middle one) from your keyboard and activate the touch interface. Whats nice about this is it cheap. The kinect cost less then $50 to manufacture much less than touch screen.