Friday, June 29, 2007

WPF etc

Well for the last few months I've been focusing on WPF (windows presentation foundation). Basically Vista promise for improved user experience that was not realized in Vista. Whats funny is its there but just the foundation (no pun implied). After reading and putting a few joke applications together in my spare time I've become a firm believer in this technology. Microsoft has taken the really good things about HTML/CSS/DOM/AJAX reworked them into an incpmatible format called XAML that has the features of all 3 but a much better integration and operations expecially when creating RIA (Rich Internet Applications).

I'm not going into all the wonderful things on thh internet but try this link for pointers to all the articles I think are worthwhile .

I got interested in the 3D part of WPF just because it is sexy. I don't believe that it will have the same level of application as the 2D stuff but it is fun. 3D modeling is a lot of fun but difficult to learn, any 3D application such as 3DMAX, Maya or Lightwave can be a very challenging thing to learn, but I've found a wonderful set of learning tools from Tuffs University. I happly working through the lessons I'm on lesson 4 succesful created the lab lessons. The wonderful thing about all of this is it's free. Blender is free. The University course is free and you don't need a very powerful computer to get Blender working.

So if you want to learn 3D modeling give it a try.

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