Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Asymmetrical Warfare aka SOPA

Since everybody is talking about SOPA today and what a bad idea it is. They are right it reminds me of the carpet bombing of Vietnam. That sounds totally off the wall but piracy is very much like Asymmetrical Warfare a are very large well funded in-trenched industry verses a small agile opponent. Let's say that the film industry gets their way and gets to take a web site down and block it immediately. A little like bombing the hell out of a Viet Cong village with a bunch of 500 pound bombs (Aka $500 an hour lawyers). The Viet Cong are probably already deep in a cave with their weapons and you just killed a bunch of villagers who are stuck in the middle (the legitimate users of the site). The surviving villages now really hate you and join the Viet Cong (the users of the web site).

The US military had to adjust their tactics in Iraq to fight an asymmetrical, Hollywood has to as well, Spotify and Netflix/Crackle are much better weapons. Also use intelligence to identify the key players in Piracy and take them out (individuals behind the web sites).

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