Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Can you live without an eight hundred dollar smartphone

I've posted some anti Apple stuff in the past but I've come to believe that if people love their smartphones as much as Apple fans do, then its worth it to them the nearly thousand dollars of final cost. It's like somebody who drives an Audi people will pay for what they want (i don't get it but they probably would hate my Prius each to their own).

Do you need an eight hundred dollar phone. It's amazing how we love our smartphone, at lunch today I was out walking. As I past people they were not talking, or shopping but fully engaged in their smart phone. Playing games, email, text etc. I would be a hypocrite judging them since I've been addicted to computer technology for over thirty five years. I heard a story from a co worker whose family members saw somebody murdered on a bus in East Asia for their phone proves just how important these devices have become.

Google has been working hard to bring smartphones to the masses. They have good profit reasons to do this but these are powerful tools to bring knowledge to every corner of the world. They have fully functional phones for a hundred dollars. My Moto G is great and it is just a little bit more. These phones have caused the recent market shrinkage by Samsung as their end.

These are amazing tools they can be leveraged by somebody who may not have reliable power or water. Smart people will used them to learn how to fish rather than buy fish. But as with any tool somebody can use a screwdriver to fix a car or stab their neighbor. Phones make the world a smaller place, spreading knowledge and advance mankind.

If I write a game tomorrow and drop it on the Google store it, could be being played somebody half a world away (though probably not without good marketing). The eight hundred dollar phone is first world issue. The hundred dollar (or $25 dollar smart phone tomorrow) is changing the world. Knowledge is free to travel around world.

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