Thursday, October 06, 2011

"Berkeley Blue"

Steve Job was amazing, he annoyed me quite often but I like his iPhone and use one everyday. I often wished I had purchased an Apple II rather than a TRS-80 back in 1979 but in Europe an Apple II was over $1,500 dollars out of the reach of a sixteen year old.

With all that Steve has done it been interesting that we have not mentioned how he got his start.

Even as a teenager he saw a need of how to make cheap phone calls and created a product to meet that need. The blue box. He went from Dorm room to Dorm room selling his device.

Even today we are still trying to find ways to make free phone calls. Aka the OBI110 and Google Voice. I set this combo up at home and it works. He saw a need 40 years ago as "Berkeley Blue" that we are still looking for today. I see a lot of the real Steve Job in that sixteen year old kid rather than the polished image of today. RIP "Berkeley Blue".

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