Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stop blaming Washington and blame ourselves

You sometimes hear something on the radio that just clicks with you. NPR had that this morning with a segment on which countries are doing well right now and which are doing poorly. I don't agree with all its findings but a clear factor indicator is the US dollar to Canadian dollar. Its pretty much 1=1 right now. There are lots of variables involved and such macro economic indicators put the Canadian dollar so high are complex. Also during a recession you expect the more fiscally conservative to do better. What's interesting is that fiscally conservative countries that are doing so well are socialist. America is capitalist country and at that its doing very well, most corporations have record profit and those that are rich are doing better than they ever have. So if you are a Republican stop complaining about the economy it working for you low taxes, cheaper and abundant labor. If you feel that the recession has hurt you and your voting republican you have to ask yourself why. I'm not saying vote Democrat or for the tea party. But just understand that if you stop thinking and just use rhetoric provided by Political commercials and talk show hosts on both sides of the argument then when we voted the current politicians into office don't expect them to hold any loyalty to you but to those talking heads and their interests. If we stop asking the tough questions and outsourced our think to somebody else don't be surprised when the politicians stop respecting the general public. Don't blame the politicians blame ourselves for not bothering to vote in primaries and understand the issues. Don't expect Washington to respect you if your world focuses on Sports or Hollywood or Talk Radio and the only contact you send to your congressman is a canned email forwarded from a action group based on a 30 second ad. Read/Listen to real news sources guys. If Rush or Fox News tells you how bad the New York Times, Washington Post, the Standard or Economist is he's doing so don't learn the truth and will continue to vote for interests who make them rich.

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