Microsoft and Adobe who by the nature of my skill base is whose tools I tend to use a lot have chosen in their wisdom to kill Silverlight and Flash in Favor of HTML5. You may argue that Flash(or Silverlight) is far from dead . That is true but given that the mobile editions of both products have been discontinued it basically makes them dead in most large organizations.
So that leaves HTML5/Javascript/CSS and since I'm at heart a programmer I'm focusing on Javascript. I've spent the last few months reviewing the blog/docs/tutorials and Javascript has developed. Don't be fooled I still believe that Javascript is a horrid language but I get the feeling most other people agree with me.
Give a developer a problem and like an Engineer he will try and make a pile of scrap metal into a beautiful machine. That is what the developers of languages such as JQuery, Knockout, backbone, node and a million others decided to do. They take the pile of $*** that Javascript and various legacy browser and made them usable.
Like most people I got a particular darling technology I'm focusing on and that is JQuery Mobile. Take a look at the demo pages it amazing.
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